Watermelon Punch Bouquet

Watermelon Punch Bouquet

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Hot pink roses, hot pink and purple carnations, pink alstroemeria and green button mums and brilliantly displayed in a modern white rectangle box to create the Watermelon Punch Bouquet. As the weather warms up, give this vibrant floral arrangement to brighten up a friend's home, say thank you or simply celebrate the season. Standard arrangement measures approximately 8"H x 11"W; medium arrangement measures approximately 9"H x 12"W; large arrangement measures approximately 10"H x 13"W. 

Each arrangement is hand-created using the freshest flowers so colors and varieties may vary slightly while keeping the same look of the bouquet. 

DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.