Blushing Beauty Bouquet

Blushing Beauty Bouquet

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Blushing Beauty Bouquet is the perfect way to compliment your loved ones this sweet season. Who could resist bashfully smiling at the hot pink roses, lavender carnations, and blush pink lilies designed together as a love letter to the brightest flowers nature has to offer. Standard arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 13"W; deluxe arrangement measures approximately 20"H x 15"W; premium arrangement measures approximately 25"H x 17"W; exquisite arrangement measures approximately 25"H x 21"W.

Each arrangement is created using the freshest flowers so colors and varieties may vary slightly while keeping the same look of the bouquet. Lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty in 3-4 days.

DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.