Lollipop Bouquet

Lollipop Bouquet

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Send our Lollipop Bouquet as a sweet treat to an unexpecting friend. Designed with berry hues that will brighten their day and fill their room with purple carnations, lavender roses and daisies. These happy stems are paired with beautiful eucalyptus for a stunning spring aesthetic. Standard arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 14"W; deluxe arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 15"W; premium arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 19"W; exquisite arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 23"W. 

Each arrangement is hand-created using the freshest flowers so colors and varieties may vary slightly while keeping the same look of the bouquet. **This vase may be substituted with a similar clear glass vase due to limited availability**

DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.